Saturday, March 10, 2018

ASTROLOGY: Serving teas, memes and stars for Filipino Netizens

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by Angelika Jeanne Carreon

Did you ever hear an excuse such as: “I’m sorry, I’m such a Capricorn”? Or in an argument, you heard someone yelling: ”You are such a Leo!!!” Maybe yes, maybe not. Or did you ever realize that someone’s zodiac sign actually conforms his or her personality? Just like how our president is really an Aries.
Most of the people, especially the millennials, are hooked into stars, retrogrades, or simply astrology these days. As if it is a new language that everyone has been obsessing and talking about. 
As if it is some code or identification card that reads and states a person’s personality in an instant, or even a person’s compatibility to some other people, based on their signs.
Astrology has been there ever since, it is not just a fad nor a trend, because it is actually in our history. But for the past year until now, people are beginning to notice it again and even uses it on a daily basis. 
And as its popularity continues, netizens did not miss the chance to make fun of it, and to make hugots about it. That’s how the social media works, as we all know.
Filipino Astrology accounts have been all over Twitter giving horoscope readings, but most of the time, just serving some tea and memes based from the stars. And surprisingly, people have been actually responding and relating to their tweets day after day.
A thread about zodiac signs with the hashtag #trashtalkseries originated by Twitter user Scorsaguin went viral. As netizens threw shades and served teas to each 12 zodiac signs through anonymous confessions on the CuriousCat app of Scorsaguin. 
Beware of the butthurts. Here are some of their attacks:

And many other shade-throwing confessions for the other signs in the thread.
Although the season one of the #trashtalkseries has just been ended, Scorsaguin didn’t took a long while to start a brand new season. This time, the zodiac signs contest to its incompatible counterparts—that still gained reactions and responses from the netizens, until today.

And the followers of the series are still patiently waiting for the continuation of the “zodiac bardagulan”, as they call it.

On the other hand, there are also some Filipino Astrology accounts that are giving relatable comical memes and horoscope readings, that serve teas and identities for the 12 signs.

And as the stars are countless, their tweets also never end.

Babylonians were the first great astronomers in the 18th century BC, as Astronomy and Astrology were considered to be indifferent during those times. Also, it is believed that the Babylonians were first to discover the zodiac.
They have learned that it took off 12 lunar cycles before the sun gets back to its place. And with each lunar cycle and as the seasons progressed, they have observed and identified constellations present every night, naming each constellations from animals and persons, leaving us today with the 12 zodiac signs.
While horoscope is also discovered to know how the signs, the stars, the moon, the sun, and the planets are aligned and positioned on a specific time, date and place, using a horoscope chart. 
In the modern years, horoscope was on every newspapers, heard on radios and seen on televisions. But now, horoscope readings are obtained through the fingertips, through the internet, through social media platforms, may it be a horoscope for the day, for the coming days, or even for the following weeks. 
Astrology; zodiac signs, horoscopes, the moon, the sun, and other heavenly bodies, have been there ever since. They just flourish through time, evolve and adapt through generations.

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